Friday, November 6, 2009

Endometrial carcinoma

1. Life time risk of developing endometrial carcinoma
a] <1%
b] 2-3%
c] 4-5%
d] 6%

2. In type 1 endometrial ca all are true except
a] 75-85%
b] older age
c] perimenopausal age group
d] mutations in PTEN tumor suppressor gene

3. In type 2 endometrial ca all are true except
a] older age
b] poorly differentiated
c] obese women
d] mutations in p53 tumor suppressor gene

4. All are risk factors for endometrial ca except
a] tamoxifen therapy
b] atypical endometrial hyperplasia
c] HNPCC syndrome
d] OCP's

5. Life time risk of endometrial ca in HNPCC syndrome is
a] 10%
b] 20-30%
c] 40-60%
d] 70-80%

6. Criteria for cytological atypia include all of the following except
a] decreased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio
b] prominent nucleoli
c] irregularly clumped chromatin
d] b and c
e] all of the above

7. What percentage of atypical hyperplasia detected in endometrial biopsy will have an associated endometrial ca at hysterectomy
a] 10-15%
b] 25-40%
c] 50-60%
d] none

8. Screening test of choice for endometrial ca
a] pap smear
b] endometrial cytological assessment
c] ultrasound
d] none of above

9. Average age for endometrial ca
a] 40yrs
b] 50yrs
c] 60yrs
d] 70yrs

10. Most common presentation of endometrial ca
a] asymptomatic
b] vaginal bleeding
c] pain abdomen
d] mass per abdomen

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


1. All of the following muscles are composite muscles except:

a) pectineus

b)rectus femoris

c)adductor magnus

d)biceps femoris

2. All of the following are digastric muscles except:

a] muscle fibres in the ligament of treitz

b] omohyoid

c] occipitofrontalis

d] sternocleidomastoid

3. In the lungs bronchial arteries suppy the bronchopulmonary tree:

a] till tertiary bronchi

b] till segmental bronchi

c] till respiratory bronchi

d] till alveolar sacs

4. The skin overlying the region where a venous cut down is made to access the great saphenous vein, is supplied by:

a] femoral nerve

b] sural nerve

c] tibial nerve

d] superficial peroneal nerve

5. which of the following is the correct order of pathway for a sperm:

a] straight tubules- rete testis- efferent tubules

b] rete testis- efferent tubules- straight tubules

c] efferent tubules- rete testis- straight tubules

d] straight tubules- efferent tubules- rete testis

6. which of the following vein is found in relation to the para duodenal fossa:

a] inferior mesentric

b] middle colic

c] left colic

d] splenic

7. the artery to the ductus deferens is a branch of:

a] inferior epigastric

b] superior epigastric

c]superior vesicle

d] cremastric

8.tributary of the cavernous sinus includes all of the following except:

a] superior petrosal sinus

b] inferior petrosal sinus

c] superficial middle cerebral vein

d] deep middle cerebral vein

9. all of the following statements about diploic vein are true except:

a] develop around 8th wks of gestn

b] these have no valves

c] present in cranial bones

d] have a thin wall lined by single layer of endothelium

10. which of the following bones do not contribute to the nasal septum:

a] sphenoid

b] lacrimal

c] palatine

d] ethmoid

11. all of the following cranial nerves contain somatic efferents except:

a] vii

b] iii

c] iv

d] vi

12. facial colliculus is seen in:

a] mid brain

b] pons

c] medulla

d] interpeduncular fossa

13. which is the nucleus of massetric reflex

a] superior sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve

b] spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve

c] mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve

d] dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve